Bank of Rantoul
Community Reinvestment Act Policy
Date Approved: May 8, 2024
Bank of Rantoul
Community Reinvestment Act Policy
This policy establishes guidelines and responsibilities for Bank of Rantoul’s CRA commitments.
Bank of Rantoul will strive to manage its activities to achieve the following goals:
Maintain at least 65 percent of all lending within the bank’s designated assessment area.
Maintain a loan-to-deposit ratio of at least 55 percent consistent with both sound asset/liability management efforts and proactive community lending efforts.
Ensure an expeditious response to all credit complaints.
Explore new market/product opportunities.
Enhance public images and increase leverage of competitive advantages.
Provide reasonable returns on community development investments.
Bank of Rantoul Board of Directors will appoint a CRA officer; the CRA officer will report to the Chairman. The Chairman will periodically report on CRA performance and community development activities to the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors’ Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure it has a clear understanding and working knowledge of the Bank’s CRA and related community development projects. These responsibilities include:
Delineation of the Bank’s assessment area.
Review of all relevant information regarding the Bank’s performance.
Evaluation of the Bank’s lending performance.
Investment in community development initiatives.
Delineation of the Bank’s Assessment Area
The Board of Directors has defined Bank of Rantoul’s CRA assessment area as:
Five census tracts in Champaign County, (105.00, 104.00, 101.00, 102.04, and 103.00) Four census tracts in Ford County, (9617.00, 9618.00, 9619.00, and 9620.00) and Three census tracts in Vermilion County (101.00, 102.00, and 103.00). A map outlining this defined area is attached. The Board of Directors has delineated this assessment area based on various factors, including the Bank’s size, condition, lending expertise, and competition. This delineation doe not reflect any illegal discrimination, nor does it specifically exclude low- or moderate-income geographies.
Small Institution Performance Tests
The Board of Directors of Bank of Rantoul has determined the Bank will be evaluated under the small bank performance test conducted by the regulators. Sufficient information regarding the demographics of the Bank’s assessment area and the area’s opportunities for lending, investments, and service offerings will be reviewed to fully understand the credit and community development needs of the community. The Board and Bank employees will utilize their many contacts with community groups, local government officials, local churches, realtors, businesses, individuals, etc. to assist in these determinations.
Bank of Rantoul will make every effort to help meet the needs of the community, including, the needs of low and moderate income individuals, while consistently applying safe and sound banking principles.
CRA Public File
Bank of Rantoul will maintain a CRA Public File and make such file available to the public at no cost to the requesting party. Copies of the information in the public file will be provided upon request. The actual cost of copying and applicable mailing charges may be billed to the requesting party.
The public file will be maintained at the Bank’s main office, and include the following information:
All written comments received from the public for the current year and each of the prior two calendar years that specifically relate to the Bank’s performance in helping to meet community credit needs.
All responses made by the Bank to written comments received from the public.
A copy of the public section of the Bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation within 30 days of its receipt.
A list of the Bank’s branch, its street address, and geography.
A list of branches opened and closed by the Bank during the current year and each of the prior two calendar years, their street addresses, and geographies.
A list of services (including hours of operation, available loan and deposit products, and transaction feeds) generally offered at the Bank’s branch and descriptions of any material differences in the availability or cost of services at particular branches (if any).
Information regarding the availability of the Bank’s ATMs.
A map of the Bank’s assessment area which identifies the geographies within the area.
The Bank’s loan-to-deposit ratio for each quarter of the prior calendar year end, and at its option, additional data on its loan-to-deposit ratio.
A copy of the HMDA Disclosure Statement, within three days of receipt, provided by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council pertaining to the Bank for each of the prior two calendar years.
Any other information the Bank deems appropriate.
The Bank’s branch will each maintain a separate public file containing a copy of the public section of the Bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation and a list of services provided by the Branch. The Branch will make available to anyone so requesting all of the information in the main office public file pertaining to the branch’s assessment area.
The Bank’s CRA officer will ensure the information in the public file is current as of April 1 of each year.
CRA Public Notice
The Bank will display a CRA public notice in the public lobby of its main office. In the public lobbies of the Bank’s branch a different public notice will be posted.
November 13, 2018
Bank of Rantoul
Certificate Number: 11711
201 East Champaign
Rantoul, Illinois 61866
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection
Chicago Regional Office
300 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 1700
Chicago, Illinois 60606
This document is an evaluation of this institution’s record of meeting the credit needs of its entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound operation of the institution. This evaluation is not, nor should it be construed as, an assessment of the financial condition of this institution. The rating assigned to this institution does not represent an analysis, conclusion, or opinion of the federal financial supervisory agency concerning the safety and soundness of this financial institution.
Institution Rating ……………………………………………………………………………………….1
Scope of Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………….2
Description of Institution……………………………………………………………………………..3
Description of Assessment Areas ………………………………………………………………….5
Overall Conclusions on Performance Criteria ………………………………………………..6
Discriminatory or Other Illegal Credit Practices Review …………………………………7
Metropolitan Statistical Area — Champaign-Urbana, IL MSA Assessment Area .8
Description of Institution’s Operations …………………………………………………………8
Conclusions on Performance Criteria ………………………………………………………….10
Metropolitan Statistical Area — Danville, IL MSA Assessment Area……………… 14
Description of Institution’s Operations ……………………………………………………….14
Conclusions on Performance Criteria ………………………………………………………….16
Glossary 19
INSTITUTION’S CRA RATING: This institution is rated Satisfactory. An institution in this group has a satisfactory record of helping to meet the credit needs of its assessment areas, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, in a manner consistent with its resources and capabilities.
Bank of Rantoul’s satisfactory Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance under the Lending Test supports the overall rating. Examiners did not identify any evidence of discriminatory or other illegal credit practices. The following points summarize the bank’s Lending Test performance.
The Lending Test is rated Satisfactory.
· The loan-to-deposit (LTD) ratio is reasonable given the institution’s size, financial condition, and assessment area credit needs.
· The bank made a majority of its small business and small farm loans in the assessment areas.
· The geographic distribution of loans reflects reasonable dispersion throughout the assessment areas.
· The distribution of borrowers reflects reasonable penetration of loans among businesses and farms of different sizes.
· The institution did not receive any CRA-related complaints since the previous evaluation; therefore, this factor did not affect the Lending Test rating.
General Information
This evaluation covers the period from the prior evaluation dated December 10, 2012, to the current evaluation dated November 13, 2018. Examiners used the Interagency Small Institution Examination Procedures to evaluate Bank of Rantoul’s CRA performance. These procedures include the Small Bank Lending Test.
The Lending Test considered the institution’s performance according to the following criteria.
· Loan-to-deposit ratio
· Assessment area concentration
· Geographic distribution
· Borrower profile
· Response to CRA-related complaints
This evaluation does not include any lending activity performed by affiliates. This evaluation includes a full-scope review of both of the bank’s assessment areas—the Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Metropolitan Statistical Area (Champaign MSA) and the Danville, Illinois Metropolitan Statistical Area (Danville MSA). The Champaign MSA received greater weight, as it contains the majority of loans, deposits, and offices. The following table provides details about the assessment areas. The loans included in the table consist of the small business and small farm loans reviewed as part of this evaluation.
Assessment Area Breakdown of Loans, Deposits, and Branches | ||||||
Assessment Area | Loans | Deposits | Offices | |||
$(000s) | °A | $(000s) | % | # | cyo | |
Champaign MSA | 5,393 | 70.8 | 155,491 | 80.0 | 2 | 66.7 |
Danville MSA | 2,220 | 29.2 | 38,873 | 20.0 | 1 | 33.3 |
Total | 7,613 | 100.0 | 194,364 | 100.0 | 3 | 100.0 |
Sources: Bank Records; FDIC Summcny of Deposits (06/30/2018) |
Loan Products Reviewed
Examiners determined that the bank’s major product lines are small business and small farm loans. This conclusion considered the bank’s business strategy and the number and dollar volume of loans originated during the evaluation period.
The bank’s record of originating small business loans and small farm loans receive equal weight in the overall conclusions due to the significantly close number and dollar amount of these loan types. Also, no other loan types, such as home mortgage loans or consumer loans, represent a major product line. Additionally, the bank is not subject to the reporting requirements of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Therefore, the other loan types provided no material support for conclusions or ratings and are not presented. The following table details the loans originated or purchased in 2017. This table includes all commercial and agricultural loans, not just loans that meet the definitions of small business or small farm.
Loans Originated or Purchased (2017) | ||||
Loan Category | $(000s) | % | # | |
Commercial and Industrial | 19,980 | 52.7 | 86 | 40.6 |
Agricultural | 16,694 | 44.0 | 62 | 29.3 |
Consumer | 649 | 1.7 | 50 | 23.5 |
Home Mortgage | 599 | 1.6 | 14 | 6.6 |
Total Loans | 37,922 | 100.0 | 212 | 100.0 |
Source: Bank Records 01/01/2017 through 12/31/2017 |
Bank records indicate that the lending focus and product mix remained consistent throughout the evaluation period. This evaluation considered all small business and small farm loans originated in 2017, which is considered representative of the entire review period. Bank of Rantoul originated 80 small business loans totaling $5.4 million and 52 small farm loans totaling $6.4 million in 2017. D&B data for 2017 provided a standard of comparison for the small business and small farm loans.
Bank of Rantoul is headquartered in Rantoul, Illinois, and operates in the eastern part of Illinois, in Champaign, Ford, and Vermilion Counties. Bank of Rantoul is owned by Bancorp of Rantoul, Inc., a one-bank holding company also in Rantoul. The institution received a Satisfactory rating at its previous Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago evaluation, dated December 10, 2012, based on Interagency Small Institution Examination Procedures.
Bank of Rantoul operates three full-service offices in its assessment areas. The bank offers loan products including commercial, agricultural, home mortgage, and consumer loans, primarily focused on commercial lending. The institution provides a variety of deposit services including checking, savings, and certificates of deposit. Alternative banking services include Internet banking, electronic bill pay, and automated teller machines. The bank has not opened or closed any offices and no merger or acquisition activities occurred since the previous evaluation.
Ability and Capacity
Assets totaled approximately $225 million as of September 30, 2018, and included total loans of $112 million and securities totaling $100 million. The loan portfolio is illustrated in the following table.
Loan Portfolio Distribution as of 09/30/2018 | ||
Loan Category | $(000s) | |
Construction and Land Development | 139 | 0.1 |
Secured by Farmland | 16,903 | 15.1 |
1-4 Family Residential | 5,000 | 4.4 |
Multi-family (5 or more) Residential | 581 | 0.5 |
Commercial Real Estate | 24,139 | 21.5 |
Total Real Estate Loans | 46,762 | 41.6 |
Commercial and Industrial | 34,372 | 30.6 |
Agricultural | 29,224 | 26.0 |
Consumer | 1,243 | 1.1 |
Other | 760 | 0.7 |
Less: Unearned Income | 0 | 0.0 |
Total Loans | 112,361 | 100.0 |
Source: Reports of Condition and Income |
The CRA requires each financial institution to define one or more assessment areas within which its CRA performance will be evaluated. The bank designated two assessment areas: the Champaign MSA and the Danville MSA. Both assessment areas are located entirely in the State of Illinois. The assessment areas conform to the requirements of the CRA regulation and do not arbitrarily exclude low- and moderate-income geographies.
The Champaign MSA assessment area includes five census tracts in northern Champaign County and four tracts in southern Ford County. The Danville MSA assessment area includes three tracts in northern Vermilion County. These three tracts cover a large geographic area and make up approximately half of Vermilion County. The entire combined assessment area is contiguous.
The following table details the breakdown of the assessment areas.
Description of Assessment Areas | |||
Assessment Area | Counties in Assessment Area | # of CTs | # of Offices |
Champaign MSA | Champaign | 5 | 2 |
Ford | 4 | 0 | |
Danville MSA | Vermilion | 3 | 1 |
Source: Bank Records |
The assessment areas are further described in the Description of the Institution’s Operations sections of this evaluation.
Bank of Rantoul demonstrated reasonable performance under the Lending Test. Geographic
Distribution and Borrower Profile performance primarily support this conclusion.
Loan-to-Deposit Ratio
The LTD ratio is reasonable given the institution’s size, financial condition, and assessment area credit needs. The bank’s LTD ratio, calculated from Call Report data, averaged 53.4 percent over the past 23 calendar quarters from December 31, 2012, to June 30, 2018. The ratio ranged from a low of 44.5 percent as of March 31, 2013, to a high of 60.2 percent as of December 31, 2016. The ratio remained generally stable during the evaluation period. Examiners selected comparable institutions based on their asset size, geographic location, and lending focus.
The bank’s historically high dollar volume of local government and municipal deposits is given consideration in the bank’s LTD performance. The local bank has been the choice of many municipalities to hold their deposits. For example, the June 30, 2018 LTD ratio would approximate 75 percent if the municipal deposits were removed from the calculation. Positive consideration is given for the high level of municipal deposits.
Assessment Area Concentration
The bank made a majority of small business and small farm loans, by number and dollar volume,
within its assessment area. See the following table.
Loan-to-Deposit Ratio Comparison | ||
Bank | Total Assets as of
6/30/18 |
Average Net LTD Ratio(%) |
The Bank of Rantoul | 227,280 | 53.4 |
Similarly-Situated Institution # 1 | 95,702 | 62.3 |
Similarly-Situated Institution # 2 | 173,372 | 64.0 |
Similarly-Situated Institution # 3 | 123,487 | 82.3 |
Similarly-Situated Institution # 4 | 187,315 | 82.6 |
Similarly-Situated Institution # 5 | 153,091 | 89.1 |
Source: Reports of Income and Condition 12/31/12 through 06/30/18 |
Assessment Area Concentration
The bank made a majority of small business and small farm loans, by number and dollar volume,
within its assessment area. See the following table.
Lending Inside and Outside of the Assessment Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Loan Category | Number of Loans | Total
# |
Dollar Amount of Loans $(000s) | Total $(000s) |
Inside | Outside | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Inside | Outside | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | % | $ | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
# | % | # | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
Small Business | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2017 | 69 | 86.3 | 11 | 13.8 | 80 | 3,808 | 70.9 | 1,560 | 29.1 | 5,368 | |||||||||||||
Small Farm | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2017 | 39 | 75.0 | 13 | 25.0 | 52 | 3,805 | 59.3 | 2,616 | 40.7 | 6,421 | |||||||||||||
Total | 108 | 81.8 | 24 | 18.2 | 132 | 7,613 | 64.6 | 4,176 | 35.4 | 11,789 | |||||||||||||
Source: Evaluation Period: 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
Geographic Distribution
The geographic distribution of loans reflects reasonable dispersion throughout the Champaign assessment area. Given that the Danville MSA assessment area does not include any low- or moderate-income geographies, review of the Geographic Distribution criterion would not result in meaningful conclusions. Therefore, this criterion was not evaluated for the Danville MSA assessment area.
Borrower Profile
The distribution of borrowers reflects, given the demographics of the assessment areas,
reasonable penetration among businesses and farms of different sizes. This is further discussed for each assessment area later in this evaluation.
Response to Complaints
The bank did not receive any CRA-related complaints since the previous evaluation; therefore,
this criterion did not affect the Lending Test rating.
Examiners did not identify any evidence of discriminatory or other illegal credit practices; therefore, this consideration did not affect the institution’s overall CRA rating.
The Champaign MSA assessment area includes contiguous portions of Champaign and Ford Counties, two of the three counties that make up the Champaign-Urbana, Illinois MSA. The bank operates two offices, including the main office, in this assessment area. The branch office is located within a grocery store.
Economic and Demographic Data
The assessment area includes nine census tracts. These tracts reflect the following income
designations according to the 2015 American Community Survey (ACS):
· 0 low-income tracts,
· 3 moderate-income tracts,
· 6 middle-income tracts, and
· 0 upper-income tracts.
The following table illustrates select demographic characteristics of the assessment area.
Demographic Information of the Assessment Area
Assessment Area: Champaign MSA |
Demographic Characteristics | # | Low % of # |
Moderate % of # | Middle % of # |
Upper % of # |
NA* °A of # |
Geographies (Census Tracts) | 9 | 0.0 | 33.3 | 66.7 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Population by Geography | 34,313 | 0.0 | 38.9 | 61.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Housing Units by Geography | 15,495 | 0.0 | 39.5 | 60.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Owner-Occupied Units by Geography |
9,188 | 0.0 | 27.8 | 72.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Occupied Rental Units by Geography | 4,324 | 0.0 | 57.6 | 42.4 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Vacant Units by Geography | 1,983 | 0.0 | 54.0 | 46.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Businesses by Geography | 1,584 | 0.0 | 32.3 | 67.7 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Farms by Geography | 263 | 0.0 | 6.1 | 93.9 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Family Distribution by Income Level | 8,754 | 26.2 | 21.6 | 23.9 | 28.3 | 0.0 |
Household Distribution by Income Level | 13,512 | 23.8 | 15.4 | 20.7 | 40.1 | 0.0 |
Median Family Income MSA – 16580 Champaign-Urbana, IL MSA | $70,462 | Median Housing Value | $104,921 | |||
Median Gross Rent | $643 | |||||
Families Below Poverty Level | 12.2% | |||||
Sources: 2015 ACS Census and 2017 D&B Data
Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 (*) The NA category consists of geographies that have not been assigned an income classification. |
According to 2017 D&B data, there were 1,584 businesses in this assessment area. Gross annual revenues (GARs) for these businesses are below.
· 76.6 percent have $1 million or less.
· 5.9 percent have more than $1 million.
· 17.5 percent have unknown revenues.
According to 2017 D&B data, there were 263 farms in this assessment area. GARs for these farms are below.
· 98.9 percent have $1 million or less.
· 1.1 percent have more than $1 million.
· 0.0 percent have unknown revenues.
The analysis of small business and small farm loans under the Borrower Profile criterion compares the distribution of businesses and farms by GAR level. Service industries represent the largest portion of businesses at 34.5 percent; followed by agriculture, forestry, and fishing (14.2 percent); and retail trade (13.3 percent). In addition, 67.7 percent of area businesses have four or fewer employees, and 84.6 percent operate from a single location. Major employers include the University of Illinois, the Carle Foundation, and Kraft Foods, Inc.
Data obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the August 2018 unemployment rate was 3.9 percent nationally and 4.1 percent statewide. The unemployment rates for that same timeframe were higher in the assessment area, at 4.5 percent in Champaign County and 4.6 percent in Ford County. The unemployment rates in the assessment area improved during the evaluation period, indicating a strengthening economy.
The assessment area is moderately competitive in the market for financial services. According to the FDIC Deposit Market Share data as of June 2018, there were 35 institutions that operated 89 full-service offices within Champaign and Ford Counties. Of these institutions, Bank of Rantoul ranked 7th with a 12.6 percent deposit market share.
The bank is not required to collect or report its small business or small farm loan data, and it has not elected to do so. Therefore, the analysis of small business and small farm loans under the Lending Test does not include comparisons against aggregate data. The aggregate data, however, reflects the level of demand for small business and small farm loans and is therefore included here for informational purposes only. For 2016, aggregate data shows that 67 institutions reported 2,527 small business loans originated in this assessment area; indicating a high degree of competition for this product. Additionally, 2016 aggregate data shows that 22 institutions reported 183 small farm loans, indicating a moderate degree of competition.
Community Contact
As part of the evaluation process, examiners contact third parties active in the assessment area to assist in identifying the credit needs. This information helps determine whether local financial institutions are responsive to these needs. It also shows what credit opportunities are available.
Examiners reviewed two recent contacts that were conducted in the assessment area. One of these contacts was from a government agency and the other contact was from a local economic development corporation. The contacts stated that the local economic conditions are improving. However, the contact from the economic development corporation stated that local banks have been conservative and hesitant to lend due to the struggling economy statewide.
The bank demonstrated reasonable performance under the Lending Test. Geographic
Distribution and Borrower Profile performance support this conclusion.
Geographic Distribution
The geographic distribution of loans reflects reasonable dispersion throughout the assessment area. The bank’s excellent performance of small business lending and reasonable performance of small farm lending supports this conclusion. Examiners focused on the percentage by number of loans in moderate-income census tracts. There are no low-income tracts in this area.
Small Business
The geographic distribution of small business loans reflects excellent dispersion throughout the assessment area. As shown in the following table, 74.5 percent of the bank’s small business loans were originated in the moderate-income census tracts, compared to only 32.3 percent of the businesses that are located in those tracts. Both of the bank’s offices in this assessment area are located in moderate-income tracts. The bank’s small business performance in moderate-income tracts is more than doubled the business population in those tracts. This performance exceeds what would be expected, even when considering the location of the offices, and represents excellent performance.
Geographic Distribution of Small Business Loans Assessment Area: Champaign MSA | |||||
Tract Income Level | % of Businesses | # | % | $(000s) | |
Moderate | |||||
2017 | 32.3 | 38 | 74.5 | 2,063 | 82.4 |
Middle | |||||
2017 | 67.7 | 13 | 25.5 | 441 | 17.6 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 51 | 100.0 | 2,504 | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data; “–” data not available. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
Small Farm
The geographic distribution of small farm loans reflects reasonable dispersion throughout the assessment area. Due to the small number of farms in this assessment area, opportunity and demand for farm lending is limited. According to 2017 D&B data, there are a total of 16 farms in the moderate-income tracts. As shown in the following table, the bank originated 2 small farm loans, or 6.9 percent, in moderate-income tracts, which is slightly above the small farm population in those tracts of 6.1 percent. This represents reasonable performance.
Geographic Distribution of Small Farm Loans Assessment Area: Champaign MSA | |||||
Tract Income Level | % of Farms | # | % | $(000s) | 0,0 |
Moderate | |||||
2017 | 6.1 | 2 | 6.9 | 450 | 15.6 |
Middle | |||||
2017 | 93.9 | 27 | 93.1 | 2,439 | 84.4 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 29 | 100.0 | 2,889 | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 -12/31.2017 Bank Data, “—” data It: t available. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
Borrower Profile
The distribution of borrowers reflects reasonable penetration among businesses and farms of different sizes. The bank’s reasonable performance of small business and small farm lending supports this conclusion. Examiners focused on the percentage of small business and small farm loans to businesses and farms with GARs of $1 million or less.
Small Business
The distribution of borrowers reflects, given the demographics of the assessment area, reasonable penetration among businesses of different sizes. In 2017, 78.4 percent of the bank’s small business loans in this assessment area were made to businesses with GARs of $1 million or less. This is comparable to the 76.6 percent of businesses in that revenue category.
The following table details the distribution of small business loans by GAR category.
Distribution of Small Business Loans by Gross Annual Revenue Category Assessment Area: Champaign IVISA |
Gross Revenue Level | % of Businesses | # | % | $(000s) | % |
<=$1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 76.6 | 40 | 78.4 | 1,321 | 52.8 |
>1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 5.9 | 11 | 21.6 | 1,183 | 47.2 |
Revenue Not Available | |||||
2017 | 17.5 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 51 | 100.0 | 1 504 -, | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data; “–” data not available. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
Small Farm
The distribution of borrowers reflects, given the demographics of the assessment area, reasonable penetration among farms of different sizes. As shown in the following table, 65.5 percent of the bank’s small farm loans were originated to farms with GARs of $1 million or less. Although this is significantly below the 98.9 percent of the farms in the assessment area in this revenue category, it is still reasonable when considering the small volume of loans and the small number of farms in the assessment area, which reflects limited opportunity and demand.
Distribution of Small Farm Loans by Gross Annual Revenue Category Assessment Area: Champaign MSA | |||||
Gross Revenue Level | % of Farms | # | % | S(000s) | |
<=$1,000,000 | • | ||||
2017 | 98.9 | 19 | 65.5 | 1,672 | 57.9 |
>1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 1.1 | 10 | 34.5 | 1,217 | 42.1 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 29 | 100.0 | 2,889 | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data; “–” data not available. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
The bank operates one office within this assessment area.
Economic and Demographic Data
This assessment area includes three tracts in Vermilion County. These three tracts reflect the
following income designations according to the 2015 ACS:
· 2 middle-income tracts, and
· 1 upper-income tract.
The following table illustrates select demographic characteristics of the assessment area.
Demographic Information of the Assessment Area Assessment Area: Danville MSA |
Demographic Characteristics | # | Low % of # |
Moderate % of # | Middle % of # |
Upper % of # |
NA* % of # |
Geographies (Census Tracts) | 3 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 66.7 | 33.3 | 0.0 |
· Population by Geography | 13,913 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 74.8 | 25.2 | 0.0 |
Housing Units by Geography | 6,169 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 74.9 | 25.1 | 0.0 |
Owner-Occupied Units by Geography |
3,894 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 75.8 | 24.2 | 0.0 |
Occupied Rental Units by Geography | 1,534 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 78.7 | 21.3 | 0.0 |
Vacant Units by Geography | 741 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 62.1 | 37.9 | 0.0 |
Businesses by Geography | 569 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 72.8 | 27.2 | 0.0 |
Farms by Geography | 147 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 63.3 | 36.7 | 0.0 |
Family Distribution by Income Level | 3,633 | 14.3 | 15.6 | 23.5 | 46.6 | 0.0 |
Household Distribution by Income Level | 5,428 | 17.8 | 13.7 | 19.5 | 49.0 | 0.0 |
Median Family Income MSA – 19180 Danville, IL MSA | $53,880 | Median Housing Value | $78,400 | |||
Median Gross Rent | $580 | |||||
Families Below Poverty Level | 10.2% | |||||
Sources: 2015 AC’S Census and 2017 D&B Data
Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 (*) The NA category consists of geographies that have not been assigned an income classification. |
According to the 2017 D&B data, there were 569 businesses in this assessment area. GARs for these businesses are below.
· 78.2 percent have $1 million or less.
· 3.3 percent have more than $1 million.
· 18.5 percent have unknown revenues.
There are 147 farms in the assessment area. GARs for these farms are below.
· 99.3 percent have $1 million or less.
· 0.7 percent have more than $1 million.
Service industries represent the largest portion of businesses at 34.8 percent; followed by agriculture, forestry, and fishing (20.5 percent) and retail trade (10.9 percent). In addition, 76.7 percent of area businesses have four or fewer employees, and 85.9 percent operate from a single location. Major employers include the Department of Veterans Affairs, ThyssenKrupp Co., McLane Midwest Co. Inc., and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois.
Data obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the August 2018 unemployment rate was 3.9 percent nationally and 4.1 percent statewide. The unemployment rate for that same timeframe was 5.9 percent in Veiniilion County. Although the unemployment rate has improved during the review period, it remains higher in the assessment area than the rates statewide and nationally. This indicates that the economy in the assessment area is still struggling.
The assessment area is moderately competitive in the market for financial services. According to the FDIC Deposit Market Share data as of June 2016, there were 8 institutions that operated 12 full-service offices within this assessment area. Of these institutions, Bank of Rantoul ranked 3rd with a 13.0 percent deposit market share.
The bank is not required to collect or report its small business or small farm loan data, and it has not elected to do so. Therefore, the analysis of small business and small farm loans under the Lending Test does not include comparisons against aggregate data. The aggregate data, however, reflects the level of demand for small business and small farm loans and is therefore included here for informational purposes only. For 2016, aggregate data shows that 43 institutions reported 697 small business loans in Vermilion County, indicating a moderate degree of competition for this product. Additionally, 2016 aggregate data shows that 14 institutions originated 138 small farm loans, indicating low demand for this product.
Community Contact
As part of the evaluation process, examiners contact third parties active in the assessment area to assist in identifying the credit needs. This information helps determine whether local financial institutions are responsive to those needs.
Examiners conducted a new contact with a representative of a housing organization in the area. The contact identified need and opportunity for affordable housing within the area. The contact also stated that the area’s economy has improved, but noted the larger cities are in need of more affordable housing. The contact was not aware of any unmet lending needs.
Bank of Rantoul demonstrated reasonable performance under the Lending Test. Borrower
Profile performance supports this conclusion.
Geographic Distribution
The assessment area is comprised solely of middle- and upper-income geographies. Due to the
homogeneous nature of this area, an in-depth review of the loan distribution was not
analyzed. Nonetheless, the origination of small business and small farm loans was noted
throughout the assessment area with no conspicuous gaps in lending identified.
Borrower Profile
The distribution of borrowers reflects reasonable penetration among individuals of businesses and farms of different sizes. The bank’s reasonable performance of small business and small farm lending supports this conclusion.
Small Business
The distribution of borrowers reflects, given the demographics of the assessment area, reasonable penetration among businesses of different sizes. In 2017, 100.0 percent of the bank’s small business loans in this assessment area were made to businesses with GARs of $1 million or less. This is above the 78.2 percent of businesses in that revenue category.
The following table details the distribution of small business loans by GAR category.
Distribution of Small Business Loans by Gross Annual Revenue Category
Distribution of Small Business Loans by Gross Annual Revenue Category Assessment Area: Danville VISA |
Gross Revenue Level | % of Businesses | # | % | $(000s) | % |
<—$1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 78.2 | 18 | 100.0 | 1,304 | 100.0 |
>1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 3.3 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Revenue Not Available | |||||
2017 | 18.5 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 18 | 100.0 | 1,304 | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data; “–” data not available. Due to rounding, totals niay not equal 100.0 |
Small Farm
The distribution of borrowers reflects, given the demographics of the assessment area, reasonable penetration among farms of different sizes. In 2017, 90.0 percent of the bank’s small farm loans in this assessment area were made to farms with GARs of $1 million or less. This performance is comparable to the 99.3 percent of farms in that revenue category.
The following table details the distribution of small farm loans by GAR.
Distribution of Small Farm Loans by Gross Annual Revenue Category Assessment Area: Danville MSA | |||||
Gross Revenue Level | % of Farms | # | % | $(000s) | % |
<=$1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 99.3 | 9 | 90.0 | 802 | 87.6 |
>1,000,000 | |||||
2017 | 0.7 | 1 | 10.0 | 114 | 12.4 |
Totals | |||||
2017 | 100.0 | 10 | 100.0 | 916 | 100.0 |
Sources: 2017 D&B Data; 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Bank Data; “–” data not available. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.0 |
Aggregate Lending: The number of loans originated and purchased by all reporting lenders in specified income categories as a percentage of the aggregate number of loans originated and purchased by all reporting lenders in the metropolitan area/assessment area.
Area Median Income: The median family income for the MSA, if a person or geography is located in an MSA; or the statewide nonmetropolitan median family income, if a person or geography is located outside an MSA.
Assessment Area: A geographic area delineated by the bank under the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act.
Census Tract: A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county or equivalent entity. The primary purpose of census tracts is to provide a stable set of geographic units for the presentation of statistical data. Census tracts generally have a population size between 1,200 and 8,000 people, with an optimum size of 4,000 people. Census tract boundaries generally follow visible and identifiable features, but they may follow nonvisible legal boundaries in some instances. State and county boundaries always are census tract boundaries.
Combined Statistical Area (CSA): A combination of several adjacent metropolitan statistical areas or micropolitan statistical areas or a mix of the two, which are linked by economic ties.
Community Development: For loans, investments, and services to qualify as community development activities, their primary purpose must:
(1) Support affordable housing for low- and moderate-income individuals;
(2) Target community services toward low- and moderate-income individuals;
(3) Promote economic development by financing small businesses or farms;
(4) Provide activities that revitalize or stabilize low- and moderate-income geographies, designated disaster areas, or distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies; or
(5) Enable or facilitate projects or activities that address needs regarding foreclosed or abandoned residential properties in designated target areas.
Community Development Corporation (CDC): A CDC allows banks and holding companies to make equity type of investments in community development projects. Bank CDCs can develop innovative debt instruments or provide near-equity investments tailored to the development needs of the community. Bank CDCs are also tailored to their financial and marketing needs. A CDC may purchase, own, rehabilitate, construct, manage, and sell real property. Also, it may make equity or debt investments in development projects and in local businesses. The CDC activities are expected to directly benefit low- and moderate-income groups, and the investment dollars should not represent an undue risk on the banking organization.
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): CDFIs are private intermediaries (either for profit or nonprofit) with community development as their primary mission. A CDFI facilitates the flow of lending and investment capital into distressed communities and to individuals who have been unable to take advantage of the services offered by traditional financial institutions. Some basic types of CDFIs include community development banks, community development loan funds, community development credit unions, micro enterprise funds, and community development venture capital funds.
A certified CDFI must meet eligibility requirements. These requirements include the following:
· Having a primary mission of promoting community development;
· Serving an investment area or target population;
· Providing development services;
· Maintaining accountability to residents of its investment area or targeted population through representation on its governing board of directors, or by other means;
· Not constituting an agency or instrumentality of the United States, of any state or political subdivision of a state.
Community Development Loan: A loan that
(1) Has as its primary purpose community development; and
(2) Except in the case of a wholesale or limited purpose bank:
(i) Has not been reported or collected by the bank or an affiliate for consideration in the bank’s assessment area as a home mortgage, small business, small farm, or consumer loan, unless it is a multifamily dwelling loan (as described in Appendix A to Part 203 of this title); and
(ii) Benefits the bank’s assessment area(s) or a broader statewide or regional area including the bank’s assessment area(s).
Community Development Service: A service that
(1) Has as its primary purpose community development;
(2) Is related to the provision of financial services; and
(3) Has not been considered in the evaluation of the bank’s retail banking services under § 345.24(d).
Consumer Loan(s): A loan(s) to one or more individuals for household, family, or other personal expenditures. A consumer loan does not include a home mortgage, small business, or small farm loan. This definition includes the following categories: motor vehicle loans, credit card loans, home equity loans, other secured consumer loans, and other unsecured consumer loans.
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA): The county or counties or equivalent entities associated with at least one core (urbanized area or urban cluster) of at least 10,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured through commuting ties with the counties associated with the core. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas are the two categories of CBSAs.
Distressed Middle-Income Nonmetropolitan Geographies: A nonmetropolitan middle-income geography will be designated as distressed if it is in a county that meets one or more of the following triggers:
(1) An unemployment rate of at least 1.5 times the national average;
(2) A poverty rate of 20 percent or more; or
(3) A population loss of 10 percent or more between the previous and most recent decennial census or a net migration loss of 5 percent or more over the 5-year period preceding the most recent census.
Family: Includes a householder and one or more other persons living in the same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. The number of family households always equals the number of families; however, a family household may also include non-relatives living with the family. Families are classified by type as either a married-couple family or other family. Other family is further classified into “male householder” (a family with a male householder and no wife present) or “female householder” (a family with a female householder and no husband present).
Family Income: Includes the income of all members of a family that are age 15 and older.
FFIEC-Estimated Income Data: The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issues annual estimates which update median family income from the metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. The FFIEC uses American Community Survey data and factors in information from other sources to arrive at an annual estimate that more closely reflects current economic conditions.
Full-Scope Review: A full-scope review is accomplished when examiners complete all applicable interagency examination procedures for an assessment area. Performance under applicable tests is analyzed considering performance context, quantitative factors (for example, geographic distribution, borrower profile, and total number and dollar amount of investments), and qualitative factors (for example, innovativeness, complexity, and responsiveness).
Geography: A census tract delineated by the United States Bureau of the Census in the most recent decennial census.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (IIMDA): The statute that requires certain mortgage lenders that do business or have banking offices in a metropolitan statistical area to file annual summary reports of their mortgage lending activity. The reports include such data as the race, gender, and the income of applicants; the amount of loan requested; and the disposition of the application (approved, denied, and withdrawn).
Home Mortgage Disclosure Loan Application Register (IIIVIDA LAR): The IINIDA LARs record all applications received for residential purchase, refinance, home improvement, and temporary-to-permanent construction loans.
Home Mortgage Loans: Includes home purchase and home improvement loans as defined in the 1-11VMA regulation. This definition also includes multi-family (five or more families) dwelling loans, loans to purchase manufactured homes, and refinancings of home improvement and home purchase loans.
Household: Includes all persons occupying a housing unit. Persons not living in households are classified as living in group quarters. In 100 percent tabulations, the count of households always equals the count of occupied housing units.
Household Income: Includes the income of the householder and all other persons that are age 15 and older in the household, whether related to the householder or not. Because many households are only one person, median household income is usually less than median family income.
Housing Unit: Includes a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied as separate living quarters.
Limited-Scope Review: A limited scope review is accomplished when examiners do not complete all applicable interagency examination procedures for an assessment area. Performance under applicable tests is often analyzed using only quantitative factors (for example, geographic distribution, borrower profile, total number and dollar amount of investments, and branch distribution).
Low-Income: Individual income that is less than 50 percent of the area median income, or a median family income that is less than 50 percent in the case of a geography.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit: The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program is a housing program contained within the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. It is administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service. The U.S. Treasury Department distributes low-income housing tax credits to housing credit agencies through the Internal Revenue Service. The housing agencies allocate tax credits on a competitive basis.
Developers who acquire, rehabilitate, or construct low-income rental housing may keep their tax credits. Or, they may sell them to corporations or investor groups, who, as owners of these properties, will be able to reduce their own federal tax payments. The credit can be claimed annually for ten consecutive years. For a project to be eligible, the developer must set aside a specific percentage of units for occupancy by low-income residents. The set-aside requirement remains throughout the compliance period, usually 30 years.
Market Share: The number of loans originated and purchased by the institution as a percentage of the aggregate number of loans originated and purchased by all reporting lenders in the metropolitan area/assessment area.
Median Income: The median income divides the income distribution into two equal parts, one having incomes above the median and other having incomes below the median.
Metropolitan Division (MD): A county or group of counties within a CBSA that contain(s) an urbanized area with a population of at least 2.5 million. A MD is one or more main/secondary counties representing an employment center or centers, plus adjacent counties associated with the main/secondary county or counties through commuting ties.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): CBSA associated with at least one urbanized area having a population of at least 50,000. The MSA comprises the central county or counties or equivalent entities containing the core, plus adjacent outlying counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the central county or counties as measured through commuting.
Micropolitan Statistical Area: CBSA associated with at least one urbanized area having a population of at least 10,000, but less than 50,000.
Middle-Income: Individual income that is at least 80 percent and less than 120 percent of the area median income, or a median family income that is at least 80 and less than 120 percent in the case of a geography.
Moderate-Income: Individual income that is at least 50 percent and less than 80 percent of the area median income, or a median family income that is at least 50 and less than 80 percent in the case of a geography.
Multi-family: Refers to a residential structure that contains five or more units.
Nonmetropolitan Area: All areas outside of metropolitan areas. The definition of nonmetropolitan area is not consistent with the definition of rural areas. Urban and rural classifications cut across the other hierarchies. For example, there is generally urban and rural territory within metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Owner-Occupied Units: Includes units occupied by the owner or co-owner, even if the unit has not been fully paid for or is mortgaged.
Qualified Investment: A lawful investment, deposit, membership share, or grant that has as its primary purpose community development.
Rated Area: A rated area is a state or multistate metropolitan area. For an institution with domestic branches in only one state, the institution’s CRA rating would be the state rating. If an institution maintains domestic branches in more than one state, the institution will receive a rating for each state in which those branches are located. If an institution maintains domestic branches in two or more states within a multistate metropolitan area, the institution will receive a rating for the multistate metropolitan area.
Rural Area: Territories, populations, and housing units that are not classified as urban.
Small Business Investment Company (SBIC): SBICs are privately-owned investment companies which are licensed and regulated by the Small Business Administration
(SBA). SBICs provide long-term loans and/or venture capital to small firms. Because money for venture or risk investments is difficult for small firms to obtain, SBA provides assistance to SBICs to stimulate and supplement the flow of private equity and long-term loan funds to small companies. Venture capitalists participate in the SBIC program to supplement their own private capital with funds borrowed at favorable rates through SBA’s guarantee of SBIC debentures. These SBIC debentures are then sold to private investors. An SBIC’s success is linked to the growth and profitability of the companies that it fmances. Therefore, some SBICs primarily assist businesses with significant growth potential, such as new firms in innovative
industries. SBICs finance small firms by providing straight loans and/or equity-type investments. This kind of financing gives them partial ownership of those businesses and the possibility of sharing in the companies’ profits as they grow and prosper.
Small Business Loan: A loan included in “loans to small businesses” as defined in the Consolidated Report of Condition and Income (Call Report). These loans have original amounts of $1 million or less and are either secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties or are classified as commercial and industrial loans.
Small Farm Loan: A loan included in “loans to small farms” as defined in the instructions for preparation of the Consolidated Report of Condition and Income (Call Report). These loans have original amounts of $500,000 or less and are either secured by farmland, including farm residential and other improvements, or are classified as loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers.
Underserved Middle-Income Nonmetropolitan Geographies: A nonmetropolitan middle-income geography will be designated as underserved if it meets criteria for population size, density, and dispersion indicating the area’s population is sufficiently small, thin, and distant from a population center that the tract is likely to have difficulty financing the fixed costs of meeting essential community needs.
Upper-Income: Individual income that is 120 percent or more of the area median income, or a median family income that is 120 percent or more in the case of a geography.
Urban Area: All territories, populations, and housing units in urbanized areas and in places of 2,500 or more persons outside urbanized areas. More specifically, “urban” consists of territory, persons, and housing units in places of 2,500 or more persons incorporated as cities, villages, boroughs (except in Alaska and New York), and towns (except in the New England states, New York, and Wisconsin).
“Urban” excludes the rural portions of “extended cities”; census designated place of 2,500 or more persons; and other territory, incorporated or unincorporated, including in urbanized areas.
Bank of Rantoul
2022 Loan to Deposit Ratio
1st Quarter (Jan. – Mar.) 40.47%
2nd Quarter (Apr. – Jun.) 42.07%
3rd Quarter (Jul. – Sep.) 45.98%
4th Quarter (Oct. – Dec.) 47.97%
2023 Loan to Deposit Ratio
1st Quarter (Jan. – Mar.) 45.16%
2nd Quarter (Apr. – Jun.) 45.53%
3rd Quarter (Jul. – Sep.) 49.10%
4th Quarter (Oct. – Dec.) 50.33%
2024 Loan to Deposit Ratio
1st Quarter (Jan. – Mar.) 48.21%
2nd Quarter (Apr. – Jun.) 50.90%
3rd Quarter (Jul. – Sep.) 50.73%
4th Quarter (Oct. – Dec.)
201 E. Champaign. Rantoul, IL 61866
Lobby: Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:30pm
Census Tract 102.04
Drive-up: Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:30pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
111 North Chicago Street. Rossville, IL 60963
Lobby: Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm
Census Tract 101.00 Drive-up Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
Rantoul County Market 305 S. Murray Rd Bank of Rossville
1201 E Grove Ave Rantoul, IL 61866 111 North Chicago St
Rantoul, IL 61866 Census Tract 102.04 Rossville, IL 60963
Census Tract 101.00 Census Tract 101.00
Main Bank Rantoul Sports Complex
201 E Champaign Ave. 744 S Murray Rd
Rantoul, IL 61866 Rantoul, IL 61866
Census Tract 102.04 Census Tract 102.04
Bank of Rantoul – Branches Closed
County Market Branch- Closed September 16, 2022
1201 E Grove, Rantoul, IL 61866
Census Tract 101.00
Bank of Rantoul
E Statement Checking
Traditional Checking
55 Checking
E 21 Checking
Business Checking
E Banking
Mobile App
The Premier Account
Regular Savings
Minor Savings
Certificate of Deposits
Individual Retirement Accounts
Trust Services
Visa Credit Cards
Visa Debit Cards
Merchant Card Services
Commercial Sweep Accounts
Safe Deposit Boxes
Bank of Rantoul
Agriculture Loans
Commercial Real Estate Loans
Business Loans
Floor Plan Loans
Lines of Credit
Letters of Credit
Automobile Loans
Personal Loans (RV’s, Boats)
Ready Credit (Overdraft Protection)
Credit Cards (Visa)
Home Improvement Loans
Secondary Market Mortgages (Fixed Rate)